
Mark can offer your school or organization an array of helpful training related to violence prevention, risk assessment, threat management, and development of behavioral intervention and crisis response teams. Working collaboratively with your team trainings can be customized to your team’s/organization’s specific needs. If you are interested in learning more about training opportunities, please  Contact Mark to discuss how he can assist your team.

Principles of Organizational Risk and Behavioral Threat Assessment: Why you Need a Team

Mark utilizes his background as a mental health professional and an expert in the field of risk and threat assessment to teach employees who regularly deal with at-risk students, employees and customers to help learn principles of threat assessment, how to diffuse and de escalate, and when to seek out help. This training will cover the following:

Recognize signs and symptoms of mental health concerns

Creating a culture of caring and developing prevention programming

Learn techniques for defusing and de escalating hostile situations with students, employees and customers

Learn how to utilize colleagues and organizational processes to manage risk and when to involve security and law enforcement professionals

Building your School or University Support and Threat  Management Team (1 day Training plus ongoing consultation)

Relying upon his years of experience building and managing the supportive services and student Threat Assessment Team at a major public university, Mark helps schools and organizations develop and maintain effective risk assessment teams designed to meet organization-specific needs. This training will cover the following:

Learn basics of team membership and the importance of having a multidisciplinary team with participants at varied levels of the organization

Identify key on campus and off campus partnerships with supportive services and law enforcement

Discuss assessment tools and case management strategies

Identify strategies for ongoing case monitoring

Preparing for the Unthinkable: Helping your organization recover after tragedy  (1 day training)

Mark will use current research, case examples and personal experience to teach this course. Participants will discuss and map out how their organization will respond and recover from tragedy and identify internal and external resources to respond and recover from tragedy. This training will cover the following:

Learn about trauma informed response to tragedy

Identify strategies to care for front line employees and most impacted

Plan available services for students, staff and faculty

Discuss long term follow up plan for impacted employees and students